Query Metrics

118 Database Queries
38 Different statements
22.21 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.34 ms
SELECT AS id_0, l0_.locale AS locale_1, l0_.locale_full AS locale_full_2, l0_.label AS label_3, l0_.notify_email AS notify_email_4, l0_.hide_baseuri AS hide_baseuri_5 FROM language l0_ WHERE l0_.locale = ? LIMIT 1
2 0.34 ms
SELECT s0_.label AS label_0, AS host_1, s0_.override_key AS override_key_2, s0_.site_key AS site_key_3, s0_.base_uri AS base_uri_4, s0_.tagline AS tagline_5, s0_.admin_email AS admin_email_6, s0_.admin_email_from AS admin_email_from_7, s0_.system_email AS system_email_8, s0_.system_email_from AS system_email_from_9, s0_.maintenance AS maintenance_10, s0_.inline_edit AS inline_edit_11, s0_.maintenance_message AS maintenance_message_12, s0_.price_include_tax AS price_include_tax_13, s0_.tinypng_api AS tinypng_api_14, AS company_15, AS phone_16, s0_.address AS address_17, s0_.postalcode AS postalcode_18, AS place_19, s0_.state AS state_20, AS country_21, s0_.kvk AS kvk_22, s0_.kvk_loc AS kvk_loc_23, s0_.tax_no AS tax_no_24, s0_.bic AS bic_25, s0_.iban AS iban_26, s0_.inv_prd AS inv_prd_27, s0_.twitter AS twitter_28, s0_.api_postcode_token AS api_postcode_token_29, s0_.facebook AS facebook_30, s0_.facebook_pixel AS facebook_pixel_31, s0_.instagram AS instagram_32, AS youtube_33, s0_.linkedin AS linkedin_34, s0_.layout_include_js AS layout_include_js_35, s0_.layout_include_css AS layout_include_css_36, s0_.layout_include_font AS layout_include_font_37, s0_.default_template AS default_template_38, AS id_39, s0_.restrict_access AS restrict_access_40, s0_.restrict_access_deny AS restrict_access_deny_41, s0_.restrict_access_type AS restrict_access_type_42, s0_.mollie_api_test AS mollie_api_test_43, s0_.mollie_api_live AS mollie_api_live_44, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_45, s0_.mollie_enabled AS mollie_enabled_46, s0_.mollie_opts AS mollie_opts_47, s0_.mollie_sub AS mollie_sub_48, s0_.santander_loan_active AS santander_loan_active_49, s0_.santander_is_live AS santander_is_live_50, s0_.santander_loan_api_test AS santander_loan_api_test_51, s0_.santander_loan_api_live AS santander_loan_api_live_52, s0_.buckaroo_website_key AS buckaroo_website_key_53, s0_.buckaroo_secret AS buckaroo_secret_54, s0_.buckaroo_live AS buckaroo_live_55, s0_.buckaroo_enabled AS buckaroo_enabled_56, s0_.multisafepay_api AS multisafepay_api_57, s0_.multisafepay_api_test AS multisafepay_api_test_58, s0_.multisafepay_live AS multisafepay_live_59, s0_.multisafepay_enabled AS multisafepay_enabled_60, s0_.omnikassa_live AS omnikassa_live_61, s0_.omnikassa_enabled AS omnikassa_enabled_62, s0_.omnikassa_sign AS omnikassa_sign_63, s0_.omnikassa_refresh AS omnikassa_refresh_64, s0_.omnikassa_sign_test AS omnikassa_sign_test_65, s0_.omnikassa_refresh_test AS omnikassa_refresh_test_66, s0_.pay_service_id AS pay_service_id_67, s0_.pay_api_test AS pay_api_test_68, s0_.pay_api_live AS pay_api_live_69, s0_.pay_live AS pay_live_70, s0_.pay_enabled AS pay_enabled_71, s0_.google_ua AS google_ua_72, s0_.google_gtm AS google_gtm_73, s0_.google_g AS google_g_74, s0_.google_cc AS google_cc_75, s0_.captcha_treshold AS captcha_treshold_76, s0_.piwik_url AS piwik_url_77, s0_.piwik_api_hash AS piwik_api_hash_78, s0_.piwik_site_id AS piwik_site_id_79, s0_.piwik_container_hashs AS piwik_container_hashs_80, s0_.birthday_fields AS birthday_fields_81, s0_.cache_invalidated AS cache_invalidated_82, s0_.custom_navigation AS custom_navigation_83, s0_.footer_block_1 AS footer_block_1_84, s0_.footer_block_2 AS footer_block_2_85, s0_.footer_block_3 AS footer_block_3_86, s0_.footer_block_4 AS footer_block_4_87, s0_.footer_block_5 AS footer_block_5_88, s0_.header_bar AS header_bar_89, s0_.header_bar_left AS header_bar_left_90, s0_.header_bar_right AS header_bar_right_91, s0_.postnl_checker AS postnl_checker_92, s0_.postnl_key AS postnl_key_93, s0_.postnl_secret_key AS postnl_secret_key_94, s0_.uptime_robot_key AS uptime_robot_key_95, s0_.snow AS snow_96, s0_.force_https AS force_https_97, s0_.test AS test_98, s0_.max_media_size AS max_media_size_99, s0_.media_dimensions AS media_dimensions_100, s0_.cookiebar AS cookiebar_101, s0_.cookiebar_button AS cookiebar_button_102, s0_.cookiebar_button_position AS cookiebar_button_position_103, s0_.cookiebar_button_offset AS cookiebar_button_offset_104, s0_.cache_cdn AS cache_cdn_105, s0_.robots AS robots_106, s0_.app_label AS app_label_107, s0_.ios_app_id AS ios_app_id_108, s0_.android_app_id AS android_app_id_109, s0_.cc_auth_key AS cc_auth_key_110, s0_.cc_expires AS cc_expires_111, s0_.cc_enabled AS cc_enabled_112, s0_.cc_notify_email AS cc_notify_email_113, s0_.google_recaptcha_sitekey AS google_recaptcha_sitekey_114, s0_.google_recaptcha_secret AS google_recaptcha_secret_115, s0_.google_recaptcha_text AS google_recaptcha_text_116, s0_.google_recaptcha_mode AS google_recaptcha_mode_117, s0_.mail_footer AS mail_footer_118, s0_.error_not_found AS error_not_found_119, s0_.error_no_access AS error_no_access_120, s0_.error_system AS error_system_121, s0_.avg_cookie AS avg_cookie_122, s0_.avg_disclaimer AS avg_disclaimer_123, s0_.avg_privacy AS avg_privacy_124, s0_.sisow_merchant_id AS sisow_merchant_id_125, s0_.sisow_merchant_key AS sisow_merchant_key_126, s0_.sisow_shop_id AS sisow_shop_id_127, s0_.sisow_options AS sisow_options_128, s0_.sisow_live AS sisow_live_129, s0_.sisow_enabled AS sisow_enabled_130, s0_.paypro_key AS paypro_key_131, s0_.paypro_live AS paypro_live_132, s0_.paypro_enabled AS paypro_enabled_133, s0_.paypro_sub AS paypro_sub_134, s0_.calendar AS calendar_135, s0_.visible_bundles AS visible_bundles_136, s0_.ignore_cms_blocks AS ignore_cms_blocks_137, s0_.enbl_reg AS enbl_reg_138, s0_.mod_reg AS mod_reg_139, s0_.favicon_location AS favicon_location_140, AS author_141, s0_.apple_touch_icon AS apple_touch_icon_142, s0_.og_site_name AS og_site_name_143, s0_.face_domain_key AS face_domain_key_144, s0_.color_swap AS color_swap_145, s0_.meta_pixel_id AS meta_pixel_id_146, s0_.meta_api_token AS meta_api_token_147, s0_.ooo_start AS ooo_start_148, s0_.ooo_end AS ooo_end_149, s0_.ooo_msg AS ooo_msg_150, s0_.ooo_enbl AS ooo_enbl_151, s0_.lef_api_active AS lef_api_active_152, s0_.lef_api_live AS lef_api_live_153, s0_.lef_api_test_url AS lef_api_test_url_154, s0_.lef_api_live_url AS lef_api_live_url_155, s0_.lef_user_name AS lef_user_name_156, s0_.lef_password AS lef_password_157, s0_.lef_occasion_request AS lef_occasion_request_158, s0_.lef_finance_occassion_request AS lef_finance_occassion_request_159, s0_.lef_forms_request AS lef_forms_request_160, s0_.lef_privatelease_request AS lef_privatelease_request_161, s0_.lef_offer_request AS lef_offer_request_162, s0_.lef_testdrive_request AS lef_testdrive_request_163, s0_.Hummessenger_api_enababled AS Hummessenger_api_enababled_164, s0_.Hummessenger_api_url AS Hummessenger_api_url_165, s0_.Hummessenger_api_key AS Hummessenger_api_key_166, s0_.is_catalog AS is_catalog_167, s0_.openai_key AS openai_key_168, s0_.openai_model AS openai_model_169, s0_.openai_temp AS openai_temp_170, s0_.openai_startprompt AS openai_startprompt_171, s0_.logo AS logo_172, s0_.logo_alt AS logo_alt_173, s0_.background AS background_174, s0_.service_background AS service_background_175, s0_.mail_header AS mail_header_176, s0_.language_id AS language_id_177, s0_.parent_id AS parent_id_178, s0_.app_icon AS app_icon_179 FROM settings s0_ WHERE s0_.language_id = ? AND = ? LIMIT 1
3 0.20 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.tg_nbl AS tg_nbl_2, t0.tg_cid AS tg_cid_3, t0.tg_tkn AS tg_tkn_4, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_5 FROM integrations t0 WHERE t0.settings_id = ?
4 0.26 ms
SELECT s0_.label AS label_0, AS host_1, s0_.override_key AS override_key_2, s0_.site_key AS site_key_3, s0_.base_uri AS base_uri_4, s0_.tagline AS tagline_5, s0_.admin_email AS admin_email_6, s0_.admin_email_from AS admin_email_from_7, s0_.system_email AS system_email_8, s0_.system_email_from AS system_email_from_9, s0_.maintenance AS maintenance_10, s0_.inline_edit AS inline_edit_11, s0_.maintenance_message AS maintenance_message_12, s0_.price_include_tax AS price_include_tax_13, s0_.tinypng_api AS tinypng_api_14, AS company_15, AS phone_16, s0_.address AS address_17, s0_.postalcode AS postalcode_18, AS place_19, s0_.state AS state_20, AS country_21, s0_.kvk AS kvk_22, s0_.kvk_loc AS kvk_loc_23, s0_.tax_no AS tax_no_24, s0_.bic AS bic_25, s0_.iban AS iban_26, s0_.inv_prd AS inv_prd_27, s0_.twitter AS twitter_28, s0_.api_postcode_token AS api_postcode_token_29, s0_.facebook AS facebook_30, s0_.facebook_pixel AS facebook_pixel_31, s0_.instagram AS instagram_32, AS youtube_33, s0_.linkedin AS linkedin_34, s0_.layout_include_js AS layout_include_js_35, s0_.layout_include_css AS layout_include_css_36, s0_.layout_include_font AS layout_include_font_37, s0_.default_template AS default_template_38, AS id_39, s0_.restrict_access AS restrict_access_40, s0_.restrict_access_deny AS restrict_access_deny_41, s0_.restrict_access_type AS restrict_access_type_42, s0_.mollie_api_test AS mollie_api_test_43, s0_.mollie_api_live AS mollie_api_live_44, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_45, s0_.mollie_enabled AS mollie_enabled_46, s0_.mollie_opts AS mollie_opts_47, s0_.mollie_sub AS mollie_sub_48, s0_.santander_loan_active AS santander_loan_active_49, s0_.santander_is_live AS santander_is_live_50, s0_.santander_loan_api_test AS santander_loan_api_test_51, s0_.santander_loan_api_live AS santander_loan_api_live_52, s0_.buckaroo_website_key AS buckaroo_website_key_53, s0_.buckaroo_secret AS buckaroo_secret_54, s0_.buckaroo_live AS buckaroo_live_55, s0_.buckaroo_enabled AS buckaroo_enabled_56, s0_.multisafepay_api AS multisafepay_api_57, s0_.multisafepay_api_test AS multisafepay_api_test_58, s0_.multisafepay_live AS multisafepay_live_59, s0_.multisafepay_enabled AS multisafepay_enabled_60, s0_.omnikassa_live AS omnikassa_live_61, s0_.omnikassa_enabled AS omnikassa_enabled_62, s0_.omnikassa_sign AS omnikassa_sign_63, s0_.omnikassa_refresh AS omnikassa_refresh_64, s0_.omnikassa_sign_test AS omnikassa_sign_test_65, s0_.omnikassa_refresh_test AS omnikassa_refresh_test_66, s0_.pay_service_id AS pay_service_id_67, s0_.pay_api_test AS pay_api_test_68, s0_.pay_api_live AS pay_api_live_69, s0_.pay_live AS pay_live_70, s0_.pay_enabled AS pay_enabled_71, s0_.google_ua AS google_ua_72, s0_.google_gtm AS google_gtm_73, s0_.google_g AS google_g_74, s0_.google_cc AS google_cc_75, s0_.captcha_treshold AS captcha_treshold_76, s0_.piwik_url AS piwik_url_77, s0_.piwik_api_hash AS piwik_api_hash_78, s0_.piwik_site_id AS piwik_site_id_79, s0_.piwik_container_hashs AS piwik_container_hashs_80, s0_.birthday_fields AS birthday_fields_81, s0_.cache_invalidated AS cache_invalidated_82, s0_.custom_navigation AS custom_navigation_83, s0_.footer_block_1 AS footer_block_1_84, s0_.footer_block_2 AS footer_block_2_85, s0_.footer_block_3 AS footer_block_3_86, s0_.footer_block_4 AS footer_block_4_87, s0_.footer_block_5 AS footer_block_5_88, s0_.header_bar AS header_bar_89, s0_.header_bar_left AS header_bar_left_90, s0_.header_bar_right AS header_bar_right_91, s0_.postnl_checker AS postnl_checker_92, s0_.postnl_key AS postnl_key_93, s0_.postnl_secret_key AS postnl_secret_key_94, s0_.uptime_robot_key AS uptime_robot_key_95, s0_.snow AS snow_96, s0_.force_https AS force_https_97, s0_.test AS test_98, s0_.max_media_size AS max_media_size_99, s0_.media_dimensions AS media_dimensions_100, s0_.cookiebar AS cookiebar_101, s0_.cookiebar_button AS cookiebar_button_102, s0_.cookiebar_button_position AS cookiebar_button_position_103, s0_.cookiebar_button_offset AS cookiebar_button_offset_104, s0_.cache_cdn AS cache_cdn_105, s0_.robots AS robots_106, s0_.app_label AS app_label_107, s0_.ios_app_id AS ios_app_id_108, s0_.android_app_id AS android_app_id_109, s0_.cc_auth_key AS cc_auth_key_110, s0_.cc_expires AS cc_expires_111, s0_.cc_enabled AS cc_enabled_112, s0_.cc_notify_email AS cc_notify_email_113, s0_.google_recaptcha_sitekey AS google_recaptcha_sitekey_114, s0_.google_recaptcha_secret AS google_recaptcha_secret_115, s0_.google_recaptcha_text AS google_recaptcha_text_116, s0_.google_recaptcha_mode AS google_recaptcha_mode_117, s0_.mail_footer AS mail_footer_118, s0_.error_not_found AS error_not_found_119, s0_.error_no_access AS error_no_access_120, s0_.error_system AS error_system_121, s0_.avg_cookie AS avg_cookie_122, s0_.avg_disclaimer AS avg_disclaimer_123, s0_.avg_privacy AS avg_privacy_124, s0_.sisow_merchant_id AS sisow_merchant_id_125, s0_.sisow_merchant_key AS sisow_merchant_key_126, s0_.sisow_shop_id AS sisow_shop_id_127, s0_.sisow_options AS sisow_options_128, s0_.sisow_live AS sisow_live_129, s0_.sisow_enabled AS sisow_enabled_130, s0_.paypro_key AS paypro_key_131, s0_.paypro_live AS paypro_live_132, s0_.paypro_enabled AS paypro_enabled_133, s0_.paypro_sub AS paypro_sub_134, s0_.calendar AS calendar_135, s0_.visible_bundles AS visible_bundles_136, s0_.ignore_cms_blocks AS ignore_cms_blocks_137, s0_.enbl_reg AS enbl_reg_138, s0_.mod_reg AS mod_reg_139, s0_.favicon_location AS favicon_location_140, AS author_141, s0_.apple_touch_icon AS apple_touch_icon_142, s0_.og_site_name AS og_site_name_143, s0_.face_domain_key AS face_domain_key_144, s0_.color_swap AS color_swap_145, s0_.meta_pixel_id AS meta_pixel_id_146, s0_.meta_api_token AS meta_api_token_147, s0_.ooo_start AS ooo_start_148, s0_.ooo_end AS ooo_end_149, s0_.ooo_msg AS ooo_msg_150, s0_.ooo_enbl AS ooo_enbl_151, s0_.lef_api_active AS lef_api_active_152, s0_.lef_api_live AS lef_api_live_153, s0_.lef_api_test_url AS lef_api_test_url_154, s0_.lef_api_live_url AS lef_api_live_url_155, s0_.lef_user_name AS lef_user_name_156, s0_.lef_password AS lef_password_157, s0_.lef_occasion_request AS lef_occasion_request_158, s0_.lef_finance_occassion_request AS lef_finance_occassion_request_159, s0_.lef_forms_request AS lef_forms_request_160, s0_.lef_privatelease_request AS lef_privatelease_request_161, s0_.lef_offer_request AS lef_offer_request_162, s0_.lef_testdrive_request AS lef_testdrive_request_163, s0_.Hummessenger_api_enababled AS Hummessenger_api_enababled_164, s0_.Hummessenger_api_url AS Hummessenger_api_url_165, s0_.Hummessenger_api_key AS Hummessenger_api_key_166, s0_.is_catalog AS is_catalog_167, s0_.openai_key AS openai_key_168, s0_.openai_model AS openai_model_169, s0_.openai_temp AS openai_temp_170, s0_.openai_startprompt AS openai_startprompt_171, s0_.logo AS logo_172, s0_.logo_alt AS logo_alt_173, s0_.background AS background_174, s0_.service_background AS service_background_175, s0_.mail_header AS mail_header_176, s0_.language_id AS language_id_177, s0_.parent_id AS parent_id_178, s0_.app_icon AS app_icon_179 FROM settings s0_ WHERE = ? LIMIT 1
5 0.09 ms
SELECT AS id_0, l0_.locale AS locale_1, l0_.locale_full AS locale_full_2, l0_.label AS label_3, l0_.notify_email AS notify_email_4, l0_.hide_baseuri AS hide_baseuri_5 FROM language l0_
6 0.35 ms
SELECT s0_.label AS label_0, AS host_1, s0_.override_key AS override_key_2, s0_.site_key AS site_key_3, s0_.base_uri AS base_uri_4, s0_.tagline AS tagline_5, s0_.admin_email AS admin_email_6, s0_.admin_email_from AS admin_email_from_7, s0_.system_email AS system_email_8, s0_.system_email_from AS system_email_from_9, s0_.maintenance AS maintenance_10, s0_.inline_edit AS inline_edit_11, s0_.maintenance_message AS maintenance_message_12, s0_.price_include_tax AS price_include_tax_13, s0_.tinypng_api AS tinypng_api_14, AS company_15, AS phone_16, s0_.address AS address_17, s0_.postalcode AS postalcode_18, AS place_19, s0_.state AS state_20, AS country_21, s0_.kvk AS kvk_22, s0_.kvk_loc AS kvk_loc_23, s0_.tax_no AS tax_no_24, s0_.bic AS bic_25, s0_.iban AS iban_26, s0_.inv_prd AS inv_prd_27, s0_.twitter AS twitter_28, s0_.api_postcode_token AS api_postcode_token_29, s0_.facebook AS facebook_30, s0_.facebook_pixel AS facebook_pixel_31, s0_.instagram AS instagram_32, AS youtube_33, s0_.linkedin AS linkedin_34, s0_.layout_include_js AS layout_include_js_35, s0_.layout_include_css AS layout_include_css_36, s0_.layout_include_font AS layout_include_font_37, s0_.default_template AS default_template_38, AS id_39, s0_.restrict_access AS restrict_access_40, s0_.restrict_access_deny AS restrict_access_deny_41, s0_.restrict_access_type AS restrict_access_type_42, s0_.mollie_api_test AS mollie_api_test_43, s0_.mollie_api_live AS mollie_api_live_44, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_45, s0_.mollie_enabled AS mollie_enabled_46, s0_.mollie_opts AS mollie_opts_47, s0_.mollie_sub AS mollie_sub_48, s0_.santander_loan_active AS santander_loan_active_49, s0_.santander_is_live AS santander_is_live_50, s0_.santander_loan_api_test AS santander_loan_api_test_51, s0_.santander_loan_api_live AS santander_loan_api_live_52, s0_.buckaroo_website_key AS buckaroo_website_key_53, s0_.buckaroo_secret AS buckaroo_secret_54, s0_.buckaroo_live AS buckaroo_live_55, s0_.buckaroo_enabled AS buckaroo_enabled_56, s0_.multisafepay_api AS multisafepay_api_57, s0_.multisafepay_api_test AS multisafepay_api_test_58, s0_.multisafepay_live AS multisafepay_live_59, s0_.multisafepay_enabled AS multisafepay_enabled_60, s0_.omnikassa_live AS omnikassa_live_61, s0_.omnikassa_enabled AS omnikassa_enabled_62, s0_.omnikassa_sign AS omnikassa_sign_63, s0_.omnikassa_refresh AS omnikassa_refresh_64, s0_.omnikassa_sign_test AS omnikassa_sign_test_65, s0_.omnikassa_refresh_test AS omnikassa_refresh_test_66, s0_.pay_service_id AS pay_service_id_67, s0_.pay_api_test AS pay_api_test_68, s0_.pay_api_live AS pay_api_live_69, s0_.pay_live AS pay_live_70, s0_.pay_enabled AS pay_enabled_71, s0_.google_ua AS google_ua_72, s0_.google_gtm AS google_gtm_73, s0_.google_g AS google_g_74, s0_.google_cc AS google_cc_75, s0_.captcha_treshold AS captcha_treshold_76, s0_.piwik_url AS piwik_url_77, s0_.piwik_api_hash AS piwik_api_hash_78, s0_.piwik_site_id AS piwik_site_id_79, s0_.piwik_container_hashs AS piwik_container_hashs_80, s0_.birthday_fields AS birthday_fields_81, s0_.cache_invalidated AS cache_invalidated_82, s0_.custom_navigation AS custom_navigation_83, s0_.footer_block_1 AS footer_block_1_84, s0_.footer_block_2 AS footer_block_2_85, s0_.footer_block_3 AS footer_block_3_86, s0_.footer_block_4 AS footer_block_4_87, s0_.footer_block_5 AS footer_block_5_88, s0_.header_bar AS header_bar_89, s0_.header_bar_left AS header_bar_left_90, s0_.header_bar_right AS header_bar_right_91, s0_.postnl_checker AS postnl_checker_92, s0_.postnl_key AS postnl_key_93, s0_.postnl_secret_key AS postnl_secret_key_94, s0_.uptime_robot_key AS uptime_robot_key_95, s0_.snow AS snow_96, s0_.force_https AS force_https_97, s0_.test AS test_98, s0_.max_media_size AS max_media_size_99, s0_.media_dimensions AS media_dimensions_100, s0_.cookiebar AS cookiebar_101, s0_.cookiebar_button AS cookiebar_button_102, s0_.cookiebar_button_position AS cookiebar_button_position_103, s0_.cookiebar_button_offset AS cookiebar_button_offset_104, s0_.cache_cdn AS cache_cdn_105, s0_.robots AS robots_106, s0_.app_label AS app_label_107, s0_.ios_app_id AS ios_app_id_108, s0_.android_app_id AS android_app_id_109, s0_.cc_auth_key AS cc_auth_key_110, s0_.cc_expires AS cc_expires_111, s0_.cc_enabled AS cc_enabled_112, s0_.cc_notify_email AS cc_notify_email_113, s0_.google_recaptcha_sitekey AS google_recaptcha_sitekey_114, s0_.google_recaptcha_secret AS google_recaptcha_secret_115, s0_.google_recaptcha_text AS google_recaptcha_text_116, s0_.google_recaptcha_mode AS google_recaptcha_mode_117, s0_.mail_footer AS mail_footer_118, s0_.error_not_found AS error_not_found_119, s0_.error_no_access AS error_no_access_120, s0_.error_system AS error_system_121, s0_.avg_cookie AS avg_cookie_122, s0_.avg_disclaimer AS avg_disclaimer_123, s0_.avg_privacy AS avg_privacy_124, s0_.sisow_merchant_id AS sisow_merchant_id_125, s0_.sisow_merchant_key AS sisow_merchant_key_126, s0_.sisow_shop_id AS sisow_shop_id_127, s0_.sisow_options AS sisow_options_128, s0_.sisow_live AS sisow_live_129, s0_.sisow_enabled AS sisow_enabled_130, s0_.paypro_key AS paypro_key_131, s0_.paypro_live AS paypro_live_132, s0_.paypro_enabled AS paypro_enabled_133, s0_.paypro_sub AS paypro_sub_134, s0_.calendar AS calendar_135, s0_.visible_bundles AS visible_bundles_136, s0_.ignore_cms_blocks AS ignore_cms_blocks_137, s0_.enbl_reg AS enbl_reg_138, s0_.mod_reg AS mod_reg_139, s0_.favicon_location AS favicon_location_140, AS author_141, s0_.apple_touch_icon AS apple_touch_icon_142, s0_.og_site_name AS og_site_name_143, s0_.face_domain_key AS face_domain_key_144, s0_.color_swap AS color_swap_145, s0_.meta_pixel_id AS meta_pixel_id_146, s0_.meta_api_token AS meta_api_token_147, s0_.ooo_start AS ooo_start_148, s0_.ooo_end AS ooo_end_149, s0_.ooo_msg AS ooo_msg_150, s0_.ooo_enbl AS ooo_enbl_151, s0_.lef_api_active AS lef_api_active_152, s0_.lef_api_live AS lef_api_live_153, s0_.lef_api_test_url AS lef_api_test_url_154, s0_.lef_api_live_url AS lef_api_live_url_155, s0_.lef_user_name AS lef_user_name_156, s0_.lef_password AS lef_password_157, s0_.lef_occasion_request AS lef_occasion_request_158, s0_.lef_finance_occassion_request AS lef_finance_occassion_request_159, s0_.lef_forms_request AS lef_forms_request_160, s0_.lef_privatelease_request AS lef_privatelease_request_161, s0_.lef_offer_request AS lef_offer_request_162, s0_.lef_testdrive_request AS lef_testdrive_request_163, s0_.Hummessenger_api_enababled AS Hummessenger_api_enababled_164, s0_.Hummessenger_api_url AS Hummessenger_api_url_165, s0_.Hummessenger_api_key AS Hummessenger_api_key_166, s0_.is_catalog AS is_catalog_167, s0_.openai_key AS openai_key_168, s0_.openai_model AS openai_model_169, s0_.openai_temp AS openai_temp_170, s0_.openai_startprompt AS openai_startprompt_171, s0_.logo AS logo_172, s0_.logo_alt AS logo_alt_173, s0_.background AS background_174, s0_.service_background AS service_background_175, s0_.mail_header AS mail_header_176, s0_.language_id AS language_id_177, s0_.parent_id AS parent_id_178, s0_.app_icon AS app_icon_179 FROM settings s0_ WHERE = ?
7 0.09 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.tg_nbl AS tg_nbl_2, t0.tg_cid AS tg_cid_3, t0.tg_tkn AS tg_tkn_4, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_5 FROM integrations t0 WHERE t0.settings_id = ?
8 0.08 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.tg_nbl AS tg_nbl_2, t0.tg_cid AS tg_cid_3, t0.tg_tkn AS tg_tkn_4, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_5 FROM integrations t0 WHERE t0.settings_id = ?
9 0.07 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.tg_nbl AS tg_nbl_2, t0.tg_cid AS tg_cid_3, t0.tg_tkn AS tg_tkn_4, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_5 FROM integrations t0 WHERE t0.settings_id = ?
10 0.23 ms
SELECT s0_.label AS label_0, AS host_1, s0_.override_key AS override_key_2, s0_.site_key AS site_key_3, s0_.base_uri AS base_uri_4, s0_.tagline AS tagline_5, s0_.admin_email AS admin_email_6, s0_.admin_email_from AS admin_email_from_7, s0_.system_email AS system_email_8, s0_.system_email_from AS system_email_from_9, s0_.maintenance AS maintenance_10, s0_.inline_edit AS inline_edit_11, s0_.maintenance_message AS maintenance_message_12, s0_.price_include_tax AS price_include_tax_13, s0_.tinypng_api AS tinypng_api_14, AS company_15, AS phone_16, s0_.address AS address_17, s0_.postalcode AS postalcode_18, AS place_19, s0_.state AS state_20, AS country_21, s0_.kvk AS kvk_22, s0_.kvk_loc AS kvk_loc_23, s0_.tax_no AS tax_no_24, s0_.bic AS bic_25, s0_.iban AS iban_26, s0_.inv_prd AS inv_prd_27, s0_.twitter AS twitter_28, s0_.api_postcode_token AS api_postcode_token_29, s0_.facebook AS facebook_30, s0_.facebook_pixel AS facebook_pixel_31, s0_.instagram AS instagram_32, AS youtube_33, s0_.linkedin AS linkedin_34, s0_.layout_include_js AS layout_include_js_35, s0_.layout_include_css AS layout_include_css_36, s0_.layout_include_font AS layout_include_font_37, s0_.default_template AS default_template_38, AS id_39, s0_.restrict_access AS restrict_access_40, s0_.restrict_access_deny AS restrict_access_deny_41, s0_.restrict_access_type AS restrict_access_type_42, s0_.mollie_api_test AS mollie_api_test_43, s0_.mollie_api_live AS mollie_api_live_44, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_45, s0_.mollie_enabled AS mollie_enabled_46, s0_.mollie_opts AS mollie_opts_47, s0_.mollie_sub AS mollie_sub_48, s0_.santander_loan_active AS santander_loan_active_49, s0_.santander_is_live AS santander_is_live_50, s0_.santander_loan_api_test AS santander_loan_api_test_51, s0_.santander_loan_api_live AS santander_loan_api_live_52, s0_.buckaroo_website_key AS buckaroo_website_key_53, s0_.buckaroo_secret AS buckaroo_secret_54, s0_.buckaroo_live AS buckaroo_live_55, s0_.buckaroo_enabled AS buckaroo_enabled_56, s0_.multisafepay_api AS multisafepay_api_57, s0_.multisafepay_api_test AS multisafepay_api_test_58, s0_.multisafepay_live AS multisafepay_live_59, s0_.multisafepay_enabled AS multisafepay_enabled_60, s0_.omnikassa_live AS omnikassa_live_61, s0_.omnikassa_enabled AS omnikassa_enabled_62, s0_.omnikassa_sign AS omnikassa_sign_63, s0_.omnikassa_refresh AS omnikassa_refresh_64, s0_.omnikassa_sign_test AS omnikassa_sign_test_65, s0_.omnikassa_refresh_test AS omnikassa_refresh_test_66, s0_.pay_service_id AS pay_service_id_67, s0_.pay_api_test AS pay_api_test_68, s0_.pay_api_live AS pay_api_live_69, s0_.pay_live AS pay_live_70, s0_.pay_enabled AS pay_enabled_71, s0_.google_ua AS google_ua_72, s0_.google_gtm AS google_gtm_73, s0_.google_g AS google_g_74, s0_.google_cc AS google_cc_75, s0_.captcha_treshold AS captcha_treshold_76, s0_.piwik_url AS piwik_url_77, s0_.piwik_api_hash AS piwik_api_hash_78, s0_.piwik_site_id AS piwik_site_id_79, s0_.piwik_container_hashs AS piwik_container_hashs_80, s0_.birthday_fields AS birthday_fields_81, s0_.cache_invalidated AS cache_invalidated_82, s0_.custom_navigation AS custom_navigation_83, s0_.footer_block_1 AS footer_block_1_84, s0_.footer_block_2 AS footer_block_2_85, s0_.footer_block_3 AS footer_block_3_86, s0_.footer_block_4 AS footer_block_4_87, s0_.footer_block_5 AS footer_block_5_88, s0_.header_bar AS header_bar_89, s0_.header_bar_left AS header_bar_left_90, s0_.header_bar_right AS header_bar_right_91, s0_.postnl_checker AS postnl_checker_92, s0_.postnl_key AS postnl_key_93, s0_.postnl_secret_key AS postnl_secret_key_94, s0_.uptime_robot_key AS uptime_robot_key_95, s0_.snow AS snow_96, s0_.force_https AS force_https_97, s0_.test AS test_98, s0_.max_media_size AS max_media_size_99, s0_.media_dimensions AS media_dimensions_100, s0_.cookiebar AS cookiebar_101, s0_.cookiebar_button AS cookiebar_button_102, s0_.cookiebar_button_position AS cookiebar_button_position_103, s0_.cookiebar_button_offset AS cookiebar_button_offset_104, s0_.cache_cdn AS cache_cdn_105, s0_.robots AS robots_106, s0_.app_label AS app_label_107, s0_.ios_app_id AS ios_app_id_108, s0_.android_app_id AS android_app_id_109, s0_.cc_auth_key AS cc_auth_key_110, s0_.cc_expires AS cc_expires_111, s0_.cc_enabled AS cc_enabled_112, s0_.cc_notify_email AS cc_notify_email_113, s0_.google_recaptcha_sitekey AS google_recaptcha_sitekey_114, s0_.google_recaptcha_secret AS google_recaptcha_secret_115, s0_.google_recaptcha_text AS google_recaptcha_text_116, s0_.google_recaptcha_mode AS google_recaptcha_mode_117, s0_.mail_footer AS mail_footer_118, s0_.error_not_found AS error_not_found_119, s0_.error_no_access AS error_no_access_120, s0_.error_system AS error_system_121, s0_.avg_cookie AS avg_cookie_122, s0_.avg_disclaimer AS avg_disclaimer_123, s0_.avg_privacy AS avg_privacy_124, s0_.sisow_merchant_id AS sisow_merchant_id_125, s0_.sisow_merchant_key AS sisow_merchant_key_126, s0_.sisow_shop_id AS sisow_shop_id_127, s0_.sisow_options AS sisow_options_128, s0_.sisow_live AS sisow_live_129, s0_.sisow_enabled AS sisow_enabled_130, s0_.paypro_key AS paypro_key_131, s0_.paypro_live AS paypro_live_132, s0_.paypro_enabled AS paypro_enabled_133, s0_.paypro_sub AS paypro_sub_134, s0_.calendar AS calendar_135, s0_.visible_bundles AS visible_bundles_136, s0_.ignore_cms_blocks AS ignore_cms_blocks_137, s0_.enbl_reg AS enbl_reg_138, s0_.mod_reg AS mod_reg_139, s0_.favicon_location AS favicon_location_140, AS author_141, s0_.apple_touch_icon AS apple_touch_icon_142, s0_.og_site_name AS og_site_name_143, s0_.face_domain_key AS face_domain_key_144, s0_.color_swap AS color_swap_145, s0_.meta_pixel_id AS meta_pixel_id_146, s0_.meta_api_token AS meta_api_token_147, s0_.ooo_start AS ooo_start_148, s0_.ooo_end AS ooo_end_149, s0_.ooo_msg AS ooo_msg_150, s0_.ooo_enbl AS ooo_enbl_151, s0_.lef_api_active AS lef_api_active_152, s0_.lef_api_live AS lef_api_live_153, s0_.lef_api_test_url AS lef_api_test_url_154, s0_.lef_api_live_url AS lef_api_live_url_155, s0_.lef_user_name AS lef_user_name_156, s0_.lef_password AS lef_password_157, s0_.lef_occasion_request AS lef_occasion_request_158, s0_.lef_finance_occassion_request AS lef_finance_occassion_request_159, s0_.lef_forms_request AS lef_forms_request_160, s0_.lef_privatelease_request AS lef_privatelease_request_161, s0_.lef_offer_request AS lef_offer_request_162, s0_.lef_testdrive_request AS lef_testdrive_request_163, s0_.Hummessenger_api_enababled AS Hummessenger_api_enababled_164, s0_.Hummessenger_api_url AS Hummessenger_api_url_165, s0_.Hummessenger_api_key AS Hummessenger_api_key_166, s0_.is_catalog AS is_catalog_167, s0_.openai_key AS openai_key_168, s0_.openai_model AS openai_model_169, s0_.openai_temp AS openai_temp_170, s0_.openai_startprompt AS openai_startprompt_171, s0_.logo AS logo_172, s0_.logo_alt AS logo_alt_173, s0_.background AS background_174, s0_.service_background AS service_background_175, s0_.mail_header AS mail_header_176, s0_.language_id AS language_id_177, s0_.parent_id AS parent_id_178, s0_.app_icon AS app_icon_179 FROM settings s0_
11 0.14 ms
SELECT COUNT( AS sclr_0 FROM user u0_ WHERE u0_.moderation = 1
12 0.23 ms
SELECT s0_.label AS label_0, AS host_1, s0_.override_key AS override_key_2, s0_.site_key AS site_key_3, s0_.base_uri AS base_uri_4, s0_.tagline AS tagline_5, s0_.admin_email AS admin_email_6, s0_.admin_email_from AS admin_email_from_7, s0_.system_email AS system_email_8, s0_.system_email_from AS system_email_from_9, s0_.maintenance AS maintenance_10, s0_.inline_edit AS inline_edit_11, s0_.maintenance_message AS maintenance_message_12, s0_.price_include_tax AS price_include_tax_13, s0_.tinypng_api AS tinypng_api_14, AS company_15, AS phone_16, s0_.address AS address_17, s0_.postalcode AS postalcode_18, AS place_19, s0_.state AS state_20, AS country_21, s0_.kvk AS kvk_22, s0_.kvk_loc AS kvk_loc_23, s0_.tax_no AS tax_no_24, s0_.bic AS bic_25, s0_.iban AS iban_26, s0_.inv_prd AS inv_prd_27, s0_.twitter AS twitter_28, s0_.api_postcode_token AS api_postcode_token_29, s0_.facebook AS facebook_30, s0_.facebook_pixel AS facebook_pixel_31, s0_.instagram AS instagram_32, AS youtube_33, s0_.linkedin AS linkedin_34, s0_.layout_include_js AS layout_include_js_35, s0_.layout_include_css AS layout_include_css_36, s0_.layout_include_font AS layout_include_font_37, s0_.default_template AS default_template_38, AS id_39, s0_.restrict_access AS restrict_access_40, s0_.restrict_access_deny AS restrict_access_deny_41, s0_.restrict_access_type AS restrict_access_type_42, s0_.mollie_api_test AS mollie_api_test_43, s0_.mollie_api_live AS mollie_api_live_44, s0_.mollie_live AS mollie_live_45, s0_.mollie_enabled AS mollie_enabled_46, s0_.mollie_opts AS mollie_opts_47, s0_.mollie_sub AS mollie_sub_48, s0_.santander_loan_active AS santander_loan_active_49, s0_.santander_is_live AS santander_is_live_50, s0_.santander_loan_api_test AS santander_loan_api_test_51, s0_.santander_loan_api_live AS santander_loan_api_live_52, s0_.buckaroo_website_key AS buckaroo_website_key_53, s0_.buckaroo_secret AS buckaroo_secret_54, s0_.buckaroo_live AS buckaroo_live_55, s0_.buckaroo_enabled AS buckaroo_enabled_56, s0_.multisafepay_api AS multisafepay_api_57, s0_.multisafepay_api_test AS multisafepay_api_test_58, s0_.multisafepay_live AS multisafepay_live_59, s0_.multisafepay_enabled AS multisafepay_enabled_60, s0_.omnikassa_live AS omnikassa_live_61, s0_.omnikassa_enabled AS omnikassa_enabled_62, s0_.omnikassa_sign AS omnikassa_sign_63, s0_.omnikassa_refresh AS omnikassa_refresh_64, s0_.omnikassa_sign_test AS omnikassa_sign_test_65, s0_.omnikassa_refresh_test AS omnikassa_refresh_test_66, s0_.pay_service_id AS pay_service_id_67, s0_.pay_api_test AS pay_api_test_68, s0_.pay_api_live AS pay_api_live_69, s0_.pay_live AS pay_live_70, s0_.pay_enabled AS pay_enabled_71, s0_.google_ua AS google_ua_72, s0_.google_gtm AS google_gtm_73, s0_.google_g AS google_g_74, s0_.google_cc AS google_cc_75, s0_.captcha_treshold AS captcha_treshold_76, s0_.piwik_url AS piwik_url_77, s0_.piwik_api_hash AS piwik_api_hash_78, s0_.piwik_site_id AS piwik_site_id_79, s0_.piwik_container_hashs AS piwik_container_hashs_80, s0_.birthday_fields AS birthday_fields_81, s0_.cache_invalidated AS cache_invalidated_82, s0_.custom_navigation AS custom_navigation_83, s0_.footer_block_1 AS footer_block_1_84, s0_.footer_block_2 AS footer_block_2_85, s0_.footer_block_3 AS footer_block_3_86, s0_.footer_block_4 AS footer_block_4_87, s0_.footer_block_5 AS footer_block_5_88, s0_.header_bar AS header_bar_89, s0_.header_bar_left AS header_bar_left_90, s0_.header_bar_right AS header_bar_right_91, s0_.postnl_checker AS postnl_checker_92, s0_.postnl_key AS postnl_key_93, s0_.postnl_secret_key AS postnl_secret_key_94, s0_.uptime_robot_key AS uptime_robot_key_95, s0_.snow AS snow_96, s0_.force_https AS force_https_97, s0_.test AS test_98, s0_.max_media_size AS max_media_size_99, s0_.media_dimensions AS media_dimensions_100, s0_.cookiebar AS cookiebar_101, s0_.cookiebar_button AS cookiebar_button_102, s0_.cookiebar_button_position AS cookiebar_button_position_103, s0_.cookiebar_button_offset AS cookiebar_button_offset_104, s0_.cache_cdn AS cache_cdn_105, s0_.robots AS robots_106, s0_.app_label AS app_label_107, s0_.ios_app_id AS ios_app_id_108, s0_.android_app_id AS android_app_id_109, s0_.cc_auth_key AS cc_auth_key_110, s0_.cc_expires AS cc_expires_111, s0_.cc_enabled AS cc_enabled_112, s0_.cc_notify_email AS cc_notify_email_113, s0_.google_recaptcha_sitekey AS google_recaptcha_sitekey_114, s0_.google_recaptcha_secret AS google_recaptcha_secret_115, s0_.google_recaptcha_text AS google_recaptcha_text_116, s0_.google_recaptcha_mode AS google_recaptcha_mode_117, s0_.mail_footer AS mail_footer_118, s0_.error_not_found AS error_not_found_119, s0_.error_no_access AS error_no_access_120, s0_.error_system AS error_system_121, s0_.avg_cookie AS avg_cookie_122, s0_.avg_disclaimer AS avg_disclaimer_123, s0_.avg_privacy AS avg_privacy_124, s0_.sisow_merchant_id AS sisow_merchant_id_125, s0_.sisow_merchant_key AS sisow_merchant_key_126, s0_.sisow_shop_id AS sisow_shop_id_127, s0_.sisow_options AS sisow_options_128, s0_.sisow_live AS sisow_live_129, s0_.sisow_enabled AS sisow_enabled_130, s0_.paypro_key AS paypro_key_131, s0_.paypro_live AS paypro_live_132, s0_.paypro_enabled AS paypro_enabled_133, s0_.paypro_sub AS paypro_sub_134, s0_.calendar AS calendar_135, s0_.visible_bundles AS visible_bundles_136, s0_.ignore_cms_blocks AS ignore_cms_blocks_137, s0_.enbl_reg AS enbl_reg_138, s0_.mod_reg AS mod_reg_139, s0_.favicon_location AS favicon_location_140, AS author_141, s0_.apple_touch_icon AS apple_touch_icon_142, s0_.og_site_name AS og_site_name_143, s0_.face_domain_key AS face_domain_key_144, s0_.color_swap AS color_swap_145, s0_.meta_pixel_id AS meta_pixel_id_146, s0_.meta_api_token AS meta_api_token_147, s0_.ooo_start AS ooo_start_148, s0_.ooo_end AS ooo_end_149, s0_.ooo_msg AS ooo_msg_150, s0_.ooo_enbl AS ooo_enbl_151, s0_.lef_api_active AS lef_api_active_152, s0_.lef_api_live AS lef_api_live_153, s0_.lef_api_test_url AS lef_api_test_url_154, s0_.lef_api_live_url AS lef_api_live_url_155, s0_.lef_user_name AS lef_user_name_156, s0_.lef_password AS lef_password_157, s0_.lef_occasion_request AS lef_occasion_request_158, s0_.lef_finance_occassion_request AS lef_finance_occassion_request_159, s0_.lef_forms_request AS lef_forms_request_160, s0_.lef_privatelease_request AS lef_privatelease_request_161, s0_.lef_offer_request AS lef_offer_request_162, s0_.lef_testdrive_request AS lef_testdrive_request_163, s0_.Hummessenger_api_enababled AS Hummessenger_api_enababled_164, s0_.Hummessenger_api_url AS Hummessenger_api_url_165, s0_.Hummessenger_api_key AS Hummessenger_api_key_166, s0_.is_catalog AS is_catalog_167, s0_.openai_key AS openai_key_168, s0_.openai_model AS openai_model_169, s0_.openai_temp AS openai_temp_170, s0_.openai_startprompt AS openai_startprompt_171, s0_.logo AS logo_172, s0_.logo_alt AS logo_alt_173, s0_.background AS background_174, s0_.service_background AS service_background_175, s0_.mail_header AS mail_header_176, s0_.language_id AS language_id_177, s0_.parent_id AS parent_id_178, s0_.app_icon AS app_icon_179 FROM settings s0_ WHERE = ? AND s0_.base_uri IS NULL LIMIT 1
13 0.19 ms
SELECT AS id_0, t0_.label AS label_1 FROM tag t0_
14 0.11 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.label AS label_2, t0.date_add AS date_add_3, t0.date_edit AS date_edit_4, t0.parentid AS parentid_5, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_6 FROM mediadir t0 WHERE t0.label = ? AND t0.parentid IS NULL LIMIT 1
15 0.25 ms
SELECT s0_.label AS label_0, AS host_1, s0_.override_key AS override_key_2, s0_.site_key AS site_key_3, s0_.base_uri AS base_uri_4, s0_.tagline AS tagline_5, s0_.admin_email AS admin_email_6, s0_.admin_email_from AS admin_email_from_7, s0_.system_email AS system_email_8, s0_.system_email_from AS system_email_from_9, s0_.maintenance AS maintenance_10, s0_.inline_edit AS inline_edit_11, s0_.maintenance_message AS maintenance_message_12, s0_.price_include_tax AS price_include_tax_13, s0_.tinypng_api AS tinypng_api_14, AS company_15, AS phone_16, s0_.address AS address_17, s0_.postalcode AS postalcode_18, AS place_19, s0_.state AS state_20, AS country_21, s0_.kvk AS kvk_22, s0_.kvk_loc AS kvk_loc_23, s0_.tax_no AS tax_no_24, s0_.bic AS bic_25, s0_.iban AS iban_26, s0_.inv_prd AS inv_prd_27, s0_.twitter AS twitter_28, s0_.api_postcode_token AS api_postcode_token_29, s0_.facebook AS facebook_30, s0_.facebook_pixel AS facebook_pixel_31, s0_.instagram AS instagram_32, AS youtube_33, 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mail_header_176, s0_.language_id AS language_id_177, s0_.parent_id AS parent_id_178, s0_.app_icon AS app_icon_179 FROM settings s0_ WHERE s0_.site_key = ?
16 0.22 ms
SELECT AS id_0, w0_.label AS label_1, w0_.url AS url_2, w0_.layout AS layout_3, w0_.list_id AS list_id_4, w0_.b2b AS b2b_5, w0_.require_login AS require_login_6, w0_.require_company AS require_company_7, w0_.cart_delivery AS cart_delivery_8, w0_.favorites AS favorites_9, w0_.language_id AS language_id_10, w0_.cms_settings_id AS cms_settings_id_11 FROM webshop w0_ WHERE w0_.language_id = 1 AND w0_.cms_settings_id = 1
17 0.45 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.label AS label_2, t0.uri AS uri_3, t0.inv_id_prov AS inv_id_prov_4, t0.bcc_order AS bcc_order_5, t0.bcc_giftcard_order AS bcc_giftcard_order_6, t0.bcc_invoice AS bcc_invoice_7, t0.bcc_credit AS bcc_credit_8, t0.per_page AS per_page_9, t0.thumb_limit AS thumb_limit_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.invoice_id AS invoice_id_12, t0.credit_id AS credit_id_13, t0.default_template AS default_template_14, t0.checkout_template AS checkout_template_15, t0.tag_line AS tag_line_16, t0.nl_su AS nl_su_17, t0.img_swp AS img_swp_18, t0.wdgt_cche AS wdgt_cche_19, t0.chnnbl AS chnnbl_20, t0.gglmerchant AS gglmerchant_21, t0.gglmerchant_key AS gglmerchant_key_22, t0.chnnbl_cat AS chnnbl_cat_23, t0.stck_lvl AS stck_lvl_24, t0.chnnbl_key AS chnnbl_key_25, t0.enable_reviews AS enable_reviews_26, t0.average_rev AS average_rev_27, t0.price_incl AS price_incl_28, t0.conf_init AS conf_init_29, t0.mod_rev AS mod_rev_30, t0.send_payment_complete AS send_payment_complete_31, 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AS conf_spec_frontend_type_153, t0.enable_minicart_tax AS enable_minicart_tax_154, t0.no_chk_confirm AS no_chk_confirm_155, t0.is_catalog AS is_catalog_156, t0.has_lease_price AS has_lease_price_157, t0.pay_gc_only AS pay_gc_only_158, t0.has_product_unit AS has_product_unit_159, t0.page_id AS page_id_160, t0.page_privacy_id AS page_privacy_id_161, t0.page_conditions_id AS page_conditions_id_162, t0.page_lost_password_id AS page_lost_password_id_163, t0.default_tax_id AS default_tax_id_164, t0.default_product_image AS default_product_image_165, t0.webshop_id AS webshop_id_166, t0.currency_id AS currency_id_167 FROM webshop_settings t0 WHERE t0.webshop_id = ?
18 0.29 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.api_url AS api_url_2, t0.api_version AS api_version_3, t0.auth_bearer AS auth_bearer_4, t0.administration_id AS administration_id_5, t0.ledger_id AS ledger_id_6, t0.document_style_id AS document_style_id_7, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_8, t0.enabled AS enabled_9, t0.webshop_id AS webshop_id_10 FROM webshop_ext_moneybird t0 WHERE t0.webshop_id = ?
19 0.19 ms
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM webshop_review w0_ INNER JOIN webshop_product w1_ ON w0_.product_id = WHERE 1 = 1 AND w0_.parent_id IS NULL AND w0_.moderated <> 1
20 0.28 ms
SELECT COUNT( AS sclr_0 FROM user u0_ WHERE u0_.moderation = 1
21 0.16 ms
SELECT AS id_0, t0_.label AS label_1 FROM tag t0_
22 0.14 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.label AS label_2, t0.date_add AS date_add_3, t0.date_edit AS date_edit_4, t0.parentid AS parentid_5, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_6 FROM mediadir t0 WHERE t0.label = ? AND t0.parentid IS NULL LIMIT 1
23 0.14 ms
SELECT AS id_0, w0_.label AS label_1, w0_.url AS url_2, w0_.layout AS layout_3, w0_.list_id AS list_id_4, w0_.b2b AS b2b_5, w0_.require_login AS require_login_6, w0_.require_company AS require_company_7, w0_.cart_delivery AS cart_delivery_8, w0_.favorites AS favorites_9, w0_.language_id AS language_id_10, w0_.cms_settings_id AS cms_settings_id_11 FROM webshop w0_ WHERE w0_.language_id = 1 AND w0_.cms_settings_id = 1
24 0.12 ms
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM webshop_review w0_ INNER JOIN webshop_product w1_ ON w0_.product_id = WHERE 1 = 1 AND w0_.parent_id IS NULL AND w0_.moderated <> 1
25 0.20 ms
SELECT p0_.label AS label_0, p0_.title AS title_1, p0_.subtitle AS subtitle_2, p0_.layout AS layout_3, p0_.slug AS slug_4, p0_.slugkey AS slugkey_5, p0_.classes AS classes_6, p0_.page_type AS page_type_7, p0_.custom_url AS custom_url_8, AS target_9, p0_.static AS static_10, p0_.visible AS visible_11, p0_.enabled AS enabled_12, p0_.sort AS sort_13, p0_.ref_id AS ref_id_14, p0_.date_add AS date_add_15, p0_.date_edit AS date_edit_16, AS id_17, p0_.controller AS controller_18, p0_.option_title AS option_title_19, p0_.option_subtitle AS option_subtitle_20, p0_.option_subnavigation AS option_subnavigation_21, p0_.option_breadcrumbs AS option_breadcrumbs_22, p0_.option_hide_in_submenu AS option_hide_in_submenu_23, p0_.notify_change AS notify_change_24, p0_.notify_create_child AS notify_create_child_25, p0_.notify_change_child AS notify_change_child_26, p0_.notify_type AS notify_type_27, p0_.notify_email AS notify_email_28, p0_.notify_telegram_bot AS notify_telegram_bot_29, p0_.notify_telegram_bot_chat_id AS notify_telegram_bot_chat_id_30, p0_.access AS access_31, p0_.access_roles AS access_roles_32, p0_.cache AS cache_33, p0_.critical AS critical_34, p0_.access_free AS access_free_35, p0_.access_allow_login AS access_allow_login_36, p0_.access_alt_home AS access_alt_home_37, p0_.access_visible_menu AS access_visible_menu_38, p0_.access_b2b AS access_b2b_39, p0_.access_pwd AS access_pwd_40, p0_.tpl_inject AS tpl_inject_41, p0_.show_in_sitemap AS show_in_sitemap_42, p0_.robots AS robots_43, p0_.old_id AS old_id_44, p0_.layoutid AS layoutid_45, p0_.page_id AS page_id_46, p0_.image AS image_47, p0_.language_id AS language_id_48, p0_.base_id AS base_id_49, p0_.media_id AS media_id_50, p0_.settings_id AS settings_id_51 FROM page p0_ WHERE p0_.language_id = ? AND p0_.settings_id = ? AND p0_.page_id IS NULL AND p0_.base_id IS NULL AND p0_.enabled = ? ORDER BY p0_.sort ASC LIMIT 1
26 0.21 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.internal_id AS internal_id_2, t0.base AS base_3, t0.payment_methods AS payment_methods_4, t0.ip AS ip_5, t0.moneybird_id AS moneybird_id_6, t0.import_id AS import_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.is_approved AS is_approved_9, t0.user_id AS user_id_10, t0.webshop_id AS webshop_id_11 FROM webshop_user t0 WHERE t0.user_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
27 0.16 ms
SELECT p0_.metatagid AS sclr_0, AS sclr_1, p0_.page_slug AS page_slug_2, p0_.value AS value_3 FROM page_metatag p0_
28 0.11 ms
SELECT t0.tag_key AS tag_key_1, t0.key_type AS key_type_2, t0.value_type AS value_type_3, t0.label AS label_4, t0.placeholder AS placeholder_5, t0.sortid AS sortid_6, t0.is_system AS is_system_7, AS id_8, t0.value_options AS value_options_9 FROM metatag t0 WHERE t0.is_system = ?
29 0.15 ms
SELECT p0_.metatagid AS sclr_0, AS sclr_1, p0_.page_slug AS page_slug_2, p0_.value AS value_3 FROM page_metatag p0_
30 0.10 ms
SELECT t0.tag_key AS tag_key_1, t0.key_type AS key_type_2, t0.value_type AS value_type_3, t0.label AS label_4, t0.placeholder AS placeholder_5, t0.sortid AS sortid_6, t0.is_system AS is_system_7, AS id_8, t0.value_options AS value_options_9 FROM metatag t0 WHERE t0.is_system = ?
31 0.11 ms
SELECT AS id_0, l0_.locale AS locale_1, l0_.locale_full AS locale_full_2, l0_.label AS label_3, l0_.notify_email AS notify_email_4, l0_.hide_baseuri AS hide_baseuri_5 FROM language l0_ WHERE l0_.locale = ?
32 0.08 ms
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33 0.08 ms
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34 0.22 ms
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52 0.21 ms
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53 0.27 ms
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54 0.19 ms
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55 0.24 ms
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59 0.09 ms
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70 0.11 ms
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71 0.12 ms
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72 0.14 ms
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73 0.16 ms
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74 0.11 ms
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75 0.14 ms
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77 0.26 ms
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97 0.14 ms
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99 0.16 ms
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101 0.11 ms
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102 0.11 ms
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103 0.30 ms
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104 0.21 ms
SELECT COUNT( AS sclr_0 FROM user u0_ WHERE u0_.moderation = 1
105 0.19 ms
SELECT AS id_0, t0_.label AS label_1 FROM tag t0_
106 0.16 ms
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107 0.19 ms
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108 0.14 ms
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM webshop_review w0_ INNER JOIN webshop_product w1_ ON w0_.product_id = WHERE 1 = 1 AND w0_.parent_id IS NULL AND w0_.moderated <> 1
109 0.21 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.label AS label_2, AS info_3, t0.language_id AS language_id_4, t0.settings_id AS settings_id_5 FROM blog t0 WHERE = ? LIMIT 1
110 1.43 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.old_id AS old_id_1, b0_.slug AS slug_2, AS author_3, b0_.label AS label_4, b0_.intro AS intro_5, b0_.body AS body_6, b0_.readcount AS readcount_7, b0_.date_add AS date_add_8, b0_.date_publish AS date_publish_9, b0_.date_publish_end AS date_publish_end_10, b0_.date_edit AS date_edit_11, b0_.likes AS likes_12, b0_.concept AS concept_13, b0_.products AS products_14, b0_.subtitle AS subtitle_15, b0_.seo_title AS seo_title_16, b0_.seo_description AS seo_description_17, b0_.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_18, b0_.accessoires AS accessoires_19, b0_.accessoires_subtitle AS accessoires_subtitle_20, b0_.external_url AS external_url_21, b0_.is_external AS is_external_22, b0_.blog_id AS blog_id_23, b0_.user_id AS user_id_24, b0_.image AS image_25 FROM blog_entry b0_ WHERE b0_.blog_id = 1 AND (b0_.concept = 0 OR b0_.concept IS NULL) AND b0_.date_publish <= '2024-07-01 03:27:21' AND (b0_.date_publish_end >= '2024-07-01 03:27:21' OR b0_.date_publish_end IS NULL) ORDER BY b0_.date_publish DESC
111 1.07 ms
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112 1.00 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.old_id AS old_id_1, b0_.slug AS slug_2, AS author_3, b0_.label AS label_4, b0_.intro AS intro_5, b0_.body AS body_6, b0_.readcount AS readcount_7, b0_.date_add AS date_add_8, b0_.date_publish AS date_publish_9, b0_.date_publish_end AS date_publish_end_10, b0_.date_edit AS date_edit_11, b0_.likes AS likes_12, b0_.concept AS concept_13, b0_.products AS products_14, b0_.subtitle AS subtitle_15, b0_.seo_title AS seo_title_16, b0_.seo_description AS seo_description_17, b0_.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_18, b0_.accessoires AS accessoires_19, b0_.accessoires_subtitle AS accessoires_subtitle_20, b0_.external_url AS external_url_21, b0_.is_external AS is_external_22, b0_.blog_id AS blog_id_23, b0_.user_id AS user_id_24, b0_.image AS image_25 FROM blog_entry b0_ WHERE b0_.blog_id = 1 AND b0_.concept = 0 AND b0_.date_publish <= '2024-07-01 03:27:21' AND (b0_.date_publish_end >= '2024-07-01 03:27:21' OR b0_.date_publish_end IS NULL) ORDER BY b0_.readcount DESC LIMIT 10
113 0.25 ms
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114 0.12 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.old_id AS old_id_2, t0.label AS label_3, t0.label_alt AS label_alt_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.description_alt AS description_alt_6, t0.path AS path_7, t0.size AS size_8, t0.width AS width_9, t0.height AS height_10, t0.type AS type_11, t0.mime AS mime_12, t0.remote_url AS remote_url_13, t0.original_path AS original_path_14, t0.original_size AS original_size_15, t0.original_width AS original_width_16, t0.original_height AS original_height_17, t0.original_mime AS original_mime_18, t0.deleted AS deleted_19, t0.date_add AS date_add_20, t0.date_edit AS date_edit_21, t0.used AS used_22, AS secure_23, t0.used_in AS used_in_24, t0.position AS position_25, t0.crop_source AS crop_source_26, t0.crop_box AS crop_box_27, t0.crop_ratio AS crop_ratio_28, t0.crop_flip_x AS crop_flip_x_29, t0.crop_flip_y AS crop_flip_y_30, t0.generate_webp AS generate_webp_31, t0.parentid AS parentid_32 FROM media t0 INNER JOIN blog_entry_media ON = blog_entry_media.media_id WHERE blog_entry_media.entry_id = ? ORDER BY t0.position ASC
115 0.10 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.old_id AS old_id_2, t0.label AS label_3, t0.label_alt AS label_alt_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.description_alt AS description_alt_6, t0.path AS path_7, t0.size AS size_8, t0.width AS width_9, t0.height AS height_10, t0.type AS type_11, t0.mime AS mime_12, t0.remote_url AS remote_url_13, t0.original_path AS original_path_14, t0.original_size AS original_size_15, t0.original_width AS original_width_16, t0.original_height AS original_height_17, t0.original_mime AS original_mime_18, t0.deleted AS deleted_19, t0.date_add AS date_add_20, t0.date_edit AS date_edit_21, t0.used AS used_22, AS secure_23, t0.used_in AS used_in_24, t0.position AS position_25, t0.crop_source AS crop_source_26, t0.crop_box AS crop_box_27, t0.crop_ratio AS crop_ratio_28, t0.crop_flip_x AS crop_flip_x_29, t0.crop_flip_y AS crop_flip_y_30, t0.generate_webp AS generate_webp_31, t0.parentid AS parentid_32 FROM media t0 INNER JOIN blog_entry_media ON = blog_entry_media.media_id WHERE blog_entry_media.entry_id = ? ORDER BY t0.position ASC
116 0.12 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.old_id AS old_id_2, t0.label AS label_3, t0.label_alt AS label_alt_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.description_alt AS description_alt_6, t0.path AS path_7, t0.size AS size_8, t0.width AS width_9, t0.height AS height_10, t0.type AS type_11, t0.mime AS mime_12, t0.remote_url AS remote_url_13, t0.original_path AS original_path_14, t0.original_size AS original_size_15, t0.original_width AS original_width_16, t0.original_height AS original_height_17, t0.original_mime AS original_mime_18, t0.deleted AS deleted_19, t0.date_add AS date_add_20, t0.date_edit AS date_edit_21, t0.used AS used_22, AS secure_23, t0.used_in AS used_in_24, t0.position AS position_25, t0.crop_source AS crop_source_26, t0.crop_box AS crop_box_27, t0.crop_ratio AS crop_ratio_28, t0.crop_flip_x AS crop_flip_x_29, t0.crop_flip_y AS crop_flip_y_30, t0.generate_webp AS generate_webp_31, t0.parentid AS parentid_32 FROM media t0 INNER JOIN blog_entry_media ON = blog_entry_media.media_id WHERE blog_entry_media.entry_id = ? ORDER BY t0.position ASC
117 0.10 ms
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118 0.12 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.old_id AS old_id_2, t0.label AS label_3, t0.label_alt AS label_alt_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.description_alt AS description_alt_6, t0.path AS path_7, t0.size AS size_8, t0.width AS width_9, t0.height AS height_10, t0.type AS type_11, t0.mime AS mime_12, t0.remote_url AS remote_url_13, t0.original_path AS original_path_14, t0.original_size AS original_size_15, t0.original_width AS original_width_16, t0.original_height AS original_height_17, t0.original_mime AS original_mime_18, t0.deleted AS deleted_19, t0.date_add AS date_add_20, t0.date_edit AS date_edit_21, t0.used AS used_22, AS secure_23, t0.used_in AS used_in_24, t0.position AS position_25, t0.crop_source AS crop_source_26, t0.crop_box AS crop_box_27, t0.crop_ratio AS crop_ratio_28, t0.crop_flip_x AS crop_flip_x_29, t0.crop_flip_y AS crop_flip_y_30, t0.generate_webp AS generate_webp_31, t0.parentid AS parentid_32 FROM media t0 INNER JOIN blog_entry_media ON = blog_entry_media.media_id WHERE blog_entry_media.entry_id = ? ORDER BY t0.position ASC

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\Client No errors.
App\Trinity\ApiBundle\Entity\Client No errors.
FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\AccessToken No errors.
App\Trinity\ApiBundle\Entity\AccessToken No errors.
FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\RefreshToken No errors.
App\Trinity\ApiBundle\Entity\RefreshToken No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Settings No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Language No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Page No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Media No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Mediadir No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Navigation No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\User No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Integrations No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Tag No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Webshop No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Spec No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Invoice No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\SpecGroup No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Category No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Order No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Ledger No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\ProductGroup No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Cart No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\User No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Mail No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Settings No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Tax No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Currency No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\WebshopProduct No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Moneybird No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\DeliveryMethod No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Promotion No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Discount No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Review No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Tag No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\PromotionPopup No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\TagDisplay No errors.
App\Trinity\WebshopBundle\Entity\Product No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Layout No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageVersion No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageMetatag No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageContent No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageBlockWrapper No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageScore No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Metatag No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageBlock No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\PageBlockMedia No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\Ipcheck No errors.
App\CmsBundle\Entity\NavigationItem No errors.
App\Trinity\BlogBundle\Entity\Blog No errors.
App\Trinity\BlogBundle\Entity\Category No errors.
App\Trinity\BlogBundle\Entity\Entry No errors.
App\Trinity\BlogBundle\Entity\Reply No errors.