templates/override/blog/blog.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% trans_default_domain 'blog' %}
  2. {% if config.uri is defined and config.uri is not empty %}
  3.   {% set baseUrl = path('homepage') ~ config.uri %}
  4. {% else %}
  5.   {% set baseUrl = path(app.request.attributes.get('_route')) %}
  6. {% endif %}
  7. <div class="blog v3">
  8.   <div class="slider-wrapper row">
  9.     {% for Entry in entries %}
  10.       {% set detailUrl = baseUrl ~ '/' ~ Entry.id ~ '/' ~ Entry.getDefaultSlug %}
  11.       {% set shareUrl = url(app.request.attributes.get('_route')) ~ '/' ~ Entry.id ~ '/' ~ Entry.getDefaultSlug %}
  12.       {% if Entry.slug %}
  13.         {% set detailUrl = baseUrl ~ '/' ~ Entry.getSlug %}
  14.         {% set shareUrl = url(app.request.attributes.get('_route')) ~ '/' ~ Entry.getSlug %}
  15.       {% endif %}
  16.       <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 d-flex align-items-stretch">
  17.         <div class="item {{config['minimal'] is defined and config['minimal'] == '1' ? 'minimal' : 'card'}}">
  18.           <a href="{{detailUrl}}">
  19.             {% if config['minimal'] is not defined or config['minimal'] == '0' %}
  20.               {% if Entry.media and Entry.media.count > 0 %}
  21.                 <div class="img-wrapper">
  22.                   <div class="img" style="background: url('/{{ Entry.media.first.getWebPath }}') no-repeat center; background-size: cover;"></div>
  23.                 </div>
  24.               {% elseif Entry.image %}
  25.                 <div class="img-wrapper">
  26.                   <div class="img" style="background: url('/{{ Entry.image.getWebPath }}') no-repeat center; background-size: cover;"></div>
  27.                 </div>
  28.               {% endif %}
  29.               <div class="content">
  30.                 <div class="corner-shape">
  31.                   <svg preserveaspectratio="none" class="corner-shape-topleft" x="0px" y="0px" viewbox="0 0 21.4 19.5" style="enable-background:new 0 0 21.4 19.5;" xml:space="preserve">
  32.                     <path
  33.                       d="M20,0.3L18.9,0c-0.4-0.1-0.9,0-1.3,0.3S17,1,17,1.4l-0.1,1.2c0,0.1,0,0.2,0,0.3s0,0.2,0,0.3
  34.                     c0,0.2-0.1,0.5-0.1,0.7c-0.1,0.5-0.2,0.9-0.3,1.4c-0.3,1-0.6,1.9-1.1,2.7c-0.9,1.7-2.1,3.1-3.6,4.1c-1.4,1-3.2,1.7-5.2,2
  35.                     c-1.5,0.2-3.2,0.3-4.9,0.2c-0.4,0-0.8,0.1-1.1,0.4C0.2,15.1,0,15.5,0,15.9v1.9v0.1c0,0.1,0,0.3,0,0.4v1.2h5.8l0,0
  36.                     c0.5-0.1,1.1-0.1,1.6-0.2c3.8-0.7,6.3-2.2,7.2-2.9c2.1-1.5,3.9-3.5,5.2-6c0.6-1.1,1.1-2.3,1.4-3.6c0.1-0.3,0.2-0.6,0.2-1l0,0V0.7
  37.                     C21,0.6,20.5,0.5,20,0.3z"/>
  38.                   </svg>
  39.                   <svg preserveaspectratio="none" class="corner-shape-top" viewbox="0 0 290.3 22.5" style="enable-background:new 0 0 290.3 22.5;" xml:space="preserve">
  40.                     <path
  41.                       d="M290.3,1.8c-0.2-0.8-1-1.3-1.8-1.1c-24,5.7-48.2,10.2-72.1,13.1c-24.2,3-48.8,4.6-73,4.8
  42.                       c-24.2-0.3-48.8-2.1-73-5.3C47.1,10.2,23.4,5.8,0,0v5.1c23.2,5.5,46.7,9.7,69.9,12.6c24.4,3,49.1,4.7,73.5,4.8
  43.                       c24.4-0.3,49.1-2.1,73.4-5.3c24-3.1,48.3-7.8,72.3-13.7C290,3.4,290.5,2.6,290.3,1.8z"/>
  44.                   </svg>
  45.                   <svg preserveaspectratio="none" class="corner-shape-left" viewbox="0 0 5.83 168.4">
  46.                     <path d="M0,151.7v15.2a1.54,1.54,0,0,0,1.5,1.5h0A1.54,1.54,0,0,0,3,166.9V151.8c.1-23,.8-46.3,1.4-69C5.2,55.5,6,27.5,5.8,0H0Z"/>
  47.                   </svg>
  48.                 </div>
  49.                 <div class="text">
  50.                   <h3>
  51.                     {{Entry.label}}
  52.                   </h3>
  53.                 </div>
  54.               </div>
  55.             {% else %}
  56.               <div class="content">
  57.                   <div class="text">
  58.                     <h3>
  59.                       {{Entry.label}}
  60.                     </h3>
  61.                   </div>
  62.               </div>
  63.             {% endif %}
  64.           </a>
  65.           {% if config['sharinglist'] is defined and config['sharinglist'] is not empty %}
  66.             <div class="share">
  67.               <span class="label">{{'Delen:'|trans}}</span>
  68.               <!-- Sharingbutton Facebook -->
  69.               <a class="resp-sharing-button__link" href="https://facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={{shareUrl}}" target="_blank" title="Facebook" aria-label="">
  70.                 <div class="resp-sharing-button resp-sharing-button--facebook resp-sharing-button--small">
  71.                   <div aria-hidden="true" class="resp-sharing-button__icon resp-sharing-button__icon--solid">
  72.                     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.77 7.46H14.5v-1.9c0-.9.6-1.1 1-1.1h3V.5h-4.33C10.24.5 9.5 3.44 9.5 5.32v2.15h-3v4h3v12h5v-12h3.85l.42-4z"/></svg>
  73.                   </div>
  74.                 </div>
  75.               </a>
  76.               <!-- Sharingbutton Twitter -->
  77.               <a class="resp-sharing-button__link" href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet/?text={{Entry.label}}&amp;url={{shareUrl}}" target="_blank" title="Twitter" aria-label="">
  78.                 <div class="resp-sharing-button resp-sharing-button--twitter resp-sharing-button--small">
  79.                   <div aria-hidden="true" class="resp-sharing-button__icon resp-sharing-button__icon--solid">
  80.                     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path
  81.                       d="M23.44 4.83c-.8.37-1.5.38- 1.32-2.02-.88.52-1.86.9-2.9 1.1-.82-.88-2-1.43-3.3-1.43-2.5 0-4.55 2.04-4.55 4.54 0 . 1.04-3.77-.2-7.12-2-9.36-4.75-.4.67-.6 1.45-.6 2.3 0 1.56.8 2.95 2 3.77-.74-.03-1.44-.23-2.05-.57v.06c0 2.2 1.56 4.03 3.64 4.44-.67.2-1.37.2- 1.8 2.26 3.12 4.25 3.16C5.78 18.1 3.37 18.74 1 18.46c2 1.3 4.4 2.04 6.97 2.04 8.35 0 12.92-6.92 12.92-12.93 0-.2 0-.4-.02-.6.9-.63 1.96-1.22 2.56-2.14z"/></svg>
  82.                   </div>
  83.                 </div>
  84.               </a>
  85.               <!-- Sharingbutton E-Mail -->
  86.               <a class="resp-sharing-button__link" href="mailto:?subject={{Entry.label}}&amp;body={{shareUrl}}" target="_self" title="E-Mail" aria-label="">
  87.                 <div class="resp-sharing-button resp-sharing-button--email resp-sharing-button--small">
  88.                   <div aria-hidden="true" class="resp-sharing-button__icon resp-sharing-button__icon--solid">
  89.                     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path
  90.                       d="M22 4H2C.9 4 0 4.9 0 6v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h20c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zM7.25 14.43l-3.5 2c-.08.05-.17.07-.25.07-.17 0-.34-.1-.43-.25-.14-.24-.06-.55.18-.68l3.5-2c.24-.14.55-. 0-.2-.03-.27-.08l-8.5-5.5c-.23-.15-.3-.46-.15-.7.15-.22.46-.3.7-.14L12 13.4l8.23-5.32c.23-.15.54-. 5.5c-.08.04-.17.07-.27.07zm8.93 1.75c-.1.16-.26.25-.43.25-.08 0-.17-.02-.25-.07l-3.5-2c-.24-.13-.32-.44-.18-.68s.44-.32.68-.18l3.5 2c."/></svg>
  91.                   </div>
  92.                 </div>
  93.               </a>
  94.               <!-- Sharingbutton WhatsApp -->
  95.               <a class="resp-sharing-button__link" href="whatsapp://send?text={{Entry.label}}%20{{shareUrl}}" target="_blank" title="WhatsApp" aria-label="">
  96.                 <div class="resp-sharing-button resp-sharing-button--whatsapp resp-sharing-button--small">
  97.                   <div aria-hidden="true" class="resp-sharing-button__icon resp-sharing-button__icon--solid">
  98.                     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path
  99.                       d="M20.1 3.9C17.9 1.7 15 .5 12 .5 5.6.7 11.9c0 2 .5 3.9 1.5 5.6L.6 23.4l6-1.6c1.6.9 3.5 1.3 5.4 1.3 6.3 0 11.4-5.1 11.4-11.4-.1-2.8-1.2-5.7-3.3-7.8zM12 21.4c-1.7 0-3.3-.5-4.8-1.3l-.4-.2-3.5 1 1-3.4L4 17c-1-1.5-1.4-3.2-1.4-5.1 0-5.2 4.2-9.4 9.4-9.4 2.5 0 4.9 1 6.7 2.8 1.8 1.8 2.8 4.2 2.8 6.7-.1 5.2-4.3 9.4-9.5 9.4zm5.1-7.1c-.3-.1-1.7-.9-1.9-1-.3-.1-.5-.1-.7.1-.2.3-.8 1-.9 1.1-.2.2-.3.2-.6.1s-1.2-.5-2.3-1.4c-.9-.8-1.4-1.7-1.6-2-.2-.3 0-.5.1-.6s.3-.3.4-.5c.2-.1.3-.3.4-.5.1-.2 0-.4 0-.5C10 9 9.3 7.6 9 7c-.1-.4-.4-.3-.5-.3h-.6s-.4.1-.7.3c-.3.3-1 1-1 2.4s1 2.8 1.1 3c.1.2 2 3.1 4.9 1.2.5 1.3.2 1.7-.7 1.9-1.3.2-.7.2-1.2.2-1.3-.1-.3-.3-.4-.6-.5z"/></svg>
  100.                   </div>
  101.                 </div>
  102.               </a>
  103.               <!-- Sharingbutton Telegram -->
  104.               <a class="resp-sharing-button__link" href="https://telegram.me/share/url?text={{Entry.label}}&amp;url={{shareUrl}}" target="_blank" title="Telegram" aria-label="">
  105.                 <div class="resp-sharing-button resp-sharing-button--telegram resp-sharing-button--small">
  106.                   <div aria-hidden="true" class="resp-sharing-button__icon resp-sharing-button__icon--solid">
  107.                     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path
  108.                       d="M.707 8.475C.275 8.64 0 9.508 0 9.508s.284.867.718 1.03l5.09 1.897 1.986 6.38a1.102 1.102 0 0 0 1.75.527l2.96-2.41a.405.405 0 0 1 .494-.013l5.34 3.87a1.1 1.1 0 0 0 1.046.135 1.1 1.1 0 0 0 .682-.803l3.91-18.795A1.102 1.102 0 0 0 22.5.075L.706 8.475z"/></svg>
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  110.                 </div>
  111.               </a>
  112.             </div>
  113.           {% endif %}
  114.         </div>
  115.       </div>
  116.     {% endfor %}
  117.   </div>
  118.   {% if config['show_all'] is defined and config['show_all'] is not empty %}
  119.     <div class="text-center">
  120.       <a href="{{baseUrl}}" class="btn btn-blank">{{'Alle berichten tonen'|trans}}</a>
  121.     </div>
  122.   {% endif %}
  123.   {% if config['pagination'] is defined and config['pagination'] is not empty %}
  124.     {% include "@Cms/pagination.html.twig" with {
  125.       currentPage : page,
  126.       lastPage: pages,
  127.       showAlwaysFirstAndLast: true
  128.     }
  129.     only %}
  130.   {% endif %}
  131. </div>